Students love our welcoming, low-stress, easygoing approach

We have a "mistakes welcome" policy

After all, if you make a mistake, it means you've tried something new. And that's when you have the greatest chance to learn. We make sure that C1M is a safe place to stretch your limits. We won't flood you with industry jargon that will go over your head. We'll never make you feel bad about what you don't know yet. Wherever your photography skills are, we can build on your strengths and help you dramatically improve your images.

Each session of Photography 1 pairs classroom time with hands-on practice. We examine each system of your camera individually and will have you out of auto mode for good by week 4. As the class goes on, we show you how each of your DSLR's systems work together. We put you in control of your camera so that you'll be able to capture the image you intend to every time. And we do it in a systematic way. Each class builds on the next, giving you time to absorb all the information without becoming overwhelmed.

There's a method to our madness. C1MAC1 Course Syllabus:

Class 1:

Introductions, introducing your Study Kit, camera systems,  exposure modes.

Demo: Tripods, heads, monopods and when you need them.

Assignment: Take 3 images in Program mode and note aperture, shutter and ISO.

Class 2:

Using your autofocus like a pro. The shutter, how it controls light entering you camera and how you can use it to control motion in your photos.

Demo: How to use the shutter to show motion. Shooting in shutter priority mode.

Assignment: Take 2 images at different shutter speeds, showing how a slow shutter can show motion and a faster shutter stops it. Using panning to create dramatic motion effects.

Class 3:

The aperture, how it controls light entering your camera and how you can use it to control the depth of field. What the numbers on your lens mean.

Demo: How to use the aperture to control the depth of field. Shooting in aperture priority mode.

Assignment: Take 2 images, one with a large depth of field and one with a shallow one.

Class 4:

ISO, metering systems and how they work with aperture and shutter to control exposure. Elements of composition and how to use them to take better photos.

Demo: How your cameras metering system works. Shooting in manual mode.

Assignment: Use the elements of composition to take some stunning photos.

Class 5:

The 4 properties of light that you should be aware of. Lighting and how to use it in your photos. How to use the Whitebalance setting on your camera.

Perspective: The difference between zooming in and getting closer. Lenses and their focal length.

Demo: Different lighting styles. How to tell if your Whitebalance is off and what to do about it.

Assignment: Take 3 photos using perspective.

Class 6:

Bringing it all together. Walking you through the process of How to Take a Photo in manual mode. Leading with the shutter or leading with the aperture, we'll show you how you can tell the difference and how to set your camera controls for a perfect exposure either way.

Graduation! Handing you your Certificate of Completion (if you didn't miss more than 3 classes).

See you at class. This will be fun. We can't wait! -

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