Courses and Classes

Our hands-on photography workshops will help you stay engaged, keep you photographing and let you improve your skills in a fun and hands-on way. All workshops take place on a Saturday morning for 2 hours, and we hold at least one per month. These workshops are a great way to learn about photography on an ongoing basis. While each workshop is self contained, some build on each other. The greatest benefit is gained by participating in all of them. - Of course.

Natural Light Portraiture


Natural Light Portraiture

In the studio, with time, practice, and the right equipment, you can have complete control over the lighting situation. Natural light is a different beast. You're dependent on conditions that you often cannot control.  But you can learn to work with natural light, and it's worth doing. The results can be absolutely stunning.


Everyone knows that lighting is one of the major elements of good photography. In this case, though, we're talking about going beyond exposure. In addition to making sure your photo is properly exposed, you can use light to help make your subject look beautiful. Seeing light takes a little bit of time and practice and we’ll help you get on your way. Once you start reading natural light it’ll forever change your photography.

What we’ll do:

• We’ll look at what makes for good lighting

Brighter is not always better when it comes to natural lighting. Sometimes, you have to do things that seem counterintuitive to get the most out of your natural setting. We'll talk about the what, why, and how of all that.

• We’ll show you how to use existing lighting in a natural setting

It's a given that when you're shooting outdoors, the lighting conditions may not be stable through your whole shoot. That doesn't mean that you can't find a way to take beautiful photos in almost any conditions. (Barring torrential rain or a blinding blizzard.)

• We’ll get you started in reading lighting

There's so much more to lighting than just, "how bright is it?" When reading light, you need to carefully consider the quality, the direction, and other factors in order to make the best use of it. This takes some practice. This workshop will give you some real world experience to start you off in the right direction.

• We’ll show you what does not work so well when lighting a subject

There are pitfalls to photographing using natural light, and almost all of us fall into them at one time or another. And then have to deal with the disappointment of images that don't meet our expectations. We'll help you identify a few of the "don'ts" so you can hopefully avoid them in the future.

• We’ll share a trick that’ll let you shoot beautiful portraiture at high noon

Conventional wisdom tells us that noon is the very worst time to attempt natural light portraiture. And by and large, that's true. It is possible, though, to get great results, even at high noon, and in this workshop, we'll show you how.


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To attend this workshop, all you have to do is sign up here to reserve your spot.

By purchasing a seat in any of our workshops you agree to our terms and conditions of sale. Your retainer fee reserves your seat and is fully refunded if the workshop is canceled. Per RSA 361-B, you may cancel this transaction any time prior to midnight of the third business day after the date of this transaction. When you sign up we'll send you an email to confirm. If you do not hear from us within 48 hours, please call us. From time to time, we videotape our classes, so it is possible that you will be recorded while studying with us.
Warning: On rare occasions we do run out of chocolate chip cookies.

1 Single Workshop


This workshop includes a model. You may pay the model fee here now, or you can pay the fee in person on the day of your workshop. Whatever is more convenient for you.


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