

Courses and Classes

All our Foundations classes, courses, events, workshops and eLearning courses in one place

Our Foundations classes and courses may sound basic, but they really aren't. (Not even the one we actually call "The Basics.") They have been designed to create a continuous learning arc. That arc will take you from the fundamentals of using your camera in manual mode all the way to the threshold of being a professional. Because each course builds on the previous one, if you work your way through the entire series, you will progress steadily, without falling into the knowledge gaps that can result from piecemeal learning.

When you lay down a solid foundation of skillful use of your camera equipment and knowledge of photographic composition, you'll be amazed by what you'll be able to do with your art.

Having trouble figuring out which course is right for you? Download our Side-by-Side Comparison PDF.

    Photography 1 (Know Your  Camera) - 6 Week course

Getting to know your camera is essential. Like every painter knows his brush and every chef knows his knife, you need to know your tools. Our 6 weeks Photography 1 course is a lot of fun and hands-on. We'll lay the groundwork to enable you to dramatically improve your photography.

This course is for beginners through advanced. If you just got your camera, we'll guide you through on how to use it, from the ground up. If you have been photographing for a long time and know your way around your camera, - sort of, this course will fill in the gaps and connect the dots.


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It's a beautiful world out there. Capturing it with your camera  gets a lot easier once you understand composition and visual principles. Our Photography 2 course will guide you through studying elements and principles of composition. And then we'll offer an overview of how these principles apply to portrait photography and landscape photography, two areas most of our students want to explore more. This is a fun course with lots of hands-on assignments for practice at home.

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After you've mastered the technical skills to put you in charge of your camera and learned the creative aspects that move you from taking snapshots to making art, you may wonder what's next. Our Photography 3 course provides the answer to that important question. We'll explore lighting, more complex photo editing techniques, how to handle the human element (your subjects), and some of the business aspects you might be beginning to consider.

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Even the most fantastic photo isn't much good to you if it only lives in your camera. But the process of getting images from camera to computer and back out again can be confusing, too. We're here to help. In our Photo Editing 1 course, we'll show you how to set up a foolproof digital workflow to manage your photo library, and we'll work through basic photo adjustments in Adobe Lightroom.

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Once you've got your photo library under control, and you know how to make basic adjustments to your images using Lightroom, you may find there are more complex edits you'd like to make. Enter Adobe Photoshop, the power tool of photo editing. There's a steep learning curve to Photoshop, but we're here to propel you upwards. And we'll show you how to make Lightroom and Photoshop play nicely together, so that your organizational structure stays in place.

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In our Photo Editing 3 course, we'll dive deep into Adobe Photoshop. You will be amazed at what this powerful editing software can do, and we'll be here with a road map if the maze of layers and curves and masks all becomes too much. As it is with most things that look like magic, advanced photo editing is all about practice and skill. If you want to become a digital darkroom wizard, this course is for you.

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If you are ready to make the most of your images, Adobe Lightroom is the tool to use. You'll find that there is a learning curve and we can get you all fixed up learning all the techniques and shortcuts. Our 6 series eLearning course consists of short, comprehensive video clips that you can watch at your leisure, guiding you along. What makes our videos so special is that you can follow them up with a private lesson, should you need to.

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Walter Schnecker

Walter teaches classes and courses in our Amherst location.

Meet Walter ...
